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Fantastic Fall Foliage: Paint and Sip in Marine Park

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Enjoy the beautiful changing colors of Fall by relaxing with your friends and your favorite sips and snacks, as you paint this fun and easy autumnal arbor.  In the shade of the trees of Marine Park, you will get lost in your own creative exploration, enjoying the gentle, warm tones of the season.  This guided […]


Opposite Cats – Kid’s Paint and Snack in Marine Park on May 1

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Kids of all ages will love painting these opposite cats! One black, one white, one day, one night; the opposite cats are always opposite, but get along like the best friends that they are!  This kid friendly composition is fun and exciting, while the lead artist offers tips and tricks for kids to master each […]


Relaxing Paint and Sip in Marine Park – City at Sunset

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Rediscovering the beauty of the city at sunset, through the lens of an artist, is made easy with every step outlined for you!   painting this vibrant and romantic cityscape at sunset is the perfect creative outing for date night, friends night out, or a relaxing way to meet new people with similar interests.  Many techniques […]


Creative Kid’s Paint and Snack in Marine Park on June 4 – Truffula Tree Forest

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Come to Marine Park on Jun 4th for a fun and playful kid's paint and snack!  Children of all ages will love painting their own Truffula Tree Forrest.  Based on the classic Dr. Suess storybook, The Lorax, this vibrant landscape is made simple through step by step instruction that painters of all ages and levels […]


Inspired Paint and Sip in Marine Park – Sunflowers Beneath a Starry Night on June 4th

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Join the painting party in Marine Park this June 4th (raindate: June 5th).  This Van Gogh inspired paint and sip event celebrates the artists unique use of color and brushstroke to create movement and his ability to visualize the invisible in his depiction of the wind in his starry night sky.  Combining two of Van […]


Summer Fun Kid’s Paint and Snack in Marine Park on July 10

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Summer fun is all about being outside, hanging with friends, and swimming in the ocean!  Join the painting party on July 10th in Marine Park to experience all of these joys at once! This swimming sea turtle will inspire kids to paint what they love, ocean life.  Friendly and colorful, your kids will enjoy painting […]


Palm Tree Paradise: Paint and Sip in Marine Park on July 10

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Find inner peace as you let your creativity flow, and paint this tranquil palm tree paradise.  Feel the ocean breeze when you escape to this island getaway in your mind and on your canvas.  Enjoy your scenic island for years to come as you envision yourself in the most relaxing place on earth, a tropical […]


Happy Kids’ Ice Cream Social Paint and Snack in Marine Park – August 21, 2022

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Ice Cream Social! Yummy and Fun!!! I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Summer and ice cream go hand in hand, and kids can't get enough of it. Your young artist will love painting and eating ICE CREAM! A dream of an ice cream cone takes center stage in this composition, and […]

Klimt Inspired Tree of Life Paint and Sip in Marine Park – August 21, 2022

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Experience the romantic, energetic, and inspiring passion of Gustav Klimt's Tree of Life!  Create your version of this iconic and revered work of art.  Symbolizing admiration and a love of the natural world, this gelded tree comes to life on your canvas, growing into a powerful and life affirming work of art to enjoy for […]


*Event Cancelled*Blue Emu: Kid’s Paint and Snack in Marine Park on September 18

Marine Park @ Stuart Street & Avenue T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

This event has been cancelled due to lack of reservations.  Please look for details about the next and final event of the 2022 outdoor painting series in Marine Park on October 30th: A Halloween Extravaganza!  Hope to see you there!   Join the party in Marine Park and paint this cute and cuddly blue emu.  […]
