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*Event Cancelled*Blue Emu: Kid’s Paint and Snack in Marine Park on September 18

Marine Park @ Stuart Street & Avenue T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn

This event has been cancelled due to lack of reservations.  Please look for details about the next and final event of the 2022 outdoor painting series in Marine Park on October 30th: A Halloween Extravaganza!  Hope to see you there!   Join the party in Marine Park and paint this cute and cuddly blue emu.  […]


Klimt Inspired Tree of Life Paint and Sip in Marine Park – August 21, 2022

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn

Experience the romantic, energetic, and inspiring passion of Gustav Klimt's Tree of Life!  Create your version of this iconic and revered work of art.  Symbolizing admiration and a love of the natural world, this gelded tree comes to life on your canvas, growing into a powerful and life affirming work of art to enjoy for […]


Happy Kids’ Ice Cream Social Paint and Snack in Marine Park – August 21, 2022

Marine Park @Stuart Street between Ave. S & Ave. T 2000-3000 Stuart Street, Brooklyn

Ice Cream Social! Yummy and Fun!!! I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Summer and ice cream go hand in hand, and kids can't get enough of it. Your young artist will love painting and eating ICE CREAM! A dream of an ice cream cone takes center stage in this composition, and […]
